Super Mario Bros 3D Fridge Magnets
Your fridge may be cold inside, but that doesn’t mean that it can’t look warm and fun on the outside. To add some colour to your fridge, you can make use of Super Mario Bros. fridge magnets – created in the image of the characters found in the legendary game – to create your own scene with Mario, Luigi, power mushrooms, clouds, flying bullets and even pipes and interrogation boxes.
With all these elements you can choose to design a scene every day inspired by the Super Mario Bros. universe or simply use the magnets to control the calories you eat or how many times you’ve gone to the fridge for a beer. Each red mushroom will be able to represent a little bottle, and each green mushroom will be able to represent something healthy once you’ve gone in search of something. Or if you’ve made one of your star cakes and don’t want anyone to touch it, you can also place the Goombas in formation to protect it.